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MOJO™ Advertising & Complaints Policy

MOJO™, a leader in biohacking and optimal human performance supplements, adheres to high standards in advertising and is dedicated to resolving customer complaints efficiently. Our policy reflects a commitment to integrity, transparency, and customer satisfaction.
Advertising Policy

Honesty and Clarity: All MOJO™ advertisements will be honest, clear, and accurate, ensuring that customers receive truthful information about our products and services.

Compliance with Regulations: Our advertising practices will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, reflecting our commitment to legal and ethical standards in all jurisdictions where our products are sold.

Respectful and Inclusive: MOJO™ advertising will be respectful and inclusive, avoiding any content that could be interpreted as discriminatory or offensive.

Protection of Customer Privacy: We adhere strictly to privacy laws and regulations, ensuring that customer data collected through our advertising efforts is protected and used responsibly.

Transparency in Promotions: Promotional material will be clearly distinguished from other content, ensuring that customers can easily recognize advertisements.

Complaints Policy

Ease of Access: Customers can lodge complaints easily via our dedicated email: (not .com)

Acknowledgment and Timeliness: MOJO™ commits to acknowledging and addressing all complaints within a reasonable timeframe, aiming for prompt and efficient resolution.

Objectivity and Fairness: Complaints will be investigated objectively and resolved fairly, ensuring impartial treatment for all customers.

Transparency and Communication: Customers will be kept informed about the progress of their complaint, including any actions taken and resolution outcomes.

Learning and Improvement: MOJO™ will use feedback from complaints to continuously improve our products, services, and customer experiences.


MOJO™ is a brand owned and operated by Ignite Okami. This policy is in alignment with our parent company’s overarching values and commitments.

For any inquiries or to lodge a complaint, please contact us at (not .com)